
Portrait Christine Neau-Leduc

Christine Neau-Leduc


Christine Neau-Leduc has been a professor of private law at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne since 2012. She holds a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in private law (1991) from the University of Montpellier and a doctorate (1998) from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. She was awarded her accreditation to direct research (HDR) in 2002 and her university agrégation in private law and criminal sciences in 2003.

Professor Neau-Leduc is a teacher at the Ėcole de droit de la Sorbonne (EDS) and a member of the Institut de recherche juridique de la Sorbonne (IRJS), specialising in employment law, collective bargaining, collective representation and CSR.

She is highly engaged in the EDS, where she is director of the private law department of the doctoral law school, head of the master's degree in corporate law and co-director of the Sorbonne's social law centre. Between 2016 and 2019, she was Senior Vice-President in charge of Institutional Affairs on the University’s Board of Directors.


Portrait Soraya Messai-Bahri

Soraya Messai-Bahri

Vice-President in charge of Human Resources (Board of Directors)

Contact :

Portrait Carine Souveyet

Carine Souveyet

Vice-President in charge of Information System Coordination and Management (Board of Directors)

Portrait Jérôme Glachant

Jérôme Glachant

Vice-President in charge of Training, Educational and Digital Innovation (Education and University Life Commission)

Contact :

Portrait Raphaëlle Laignoux

Raphaëlle Laignoux

Vice-President in charge of Student and Campus Life (Education and University Life Commission)

Contact :

Portrait Cécile Falies

Cécile Falies

Vice-President in charge of Research (Research Commission)

Contact :

Portrait Violaine Sebillotte

Violaine Sebillotte

Vice-President in charge of Research (Research Commission)

Contact :

Portrait Ludovic Ayrault

Ludovic Ayrault

Vice-President in charge of Finance and Legal Affairs

Portrait Camille Salinesi

Camille Salinesi

Vice-President in charge of International Relations

Contact :

Portrait Nicolas Canry

Nicolas Canry

Vice-President in charge of Assets and Real Estate 

Portrait François Chausson

François Chausson

Vice-President in charge of Culture and Outreach, Science and Society

Portrait Florence Deprest

Florence Deprest

Vice-President in charge of Campus Condorcet

Portrait Pierre Medan

Pierre Medan

Vice-President in charge of Development of Own Resources

Portrait Fabienne Peraldi-Leneuf

Fabienne Peraldi-Leneuf

Vice-President in charge of European Affairs

Portrait Ariane Dupont-Kieffer

Ariane Dupont-Kieffer

Executive Vice-President in charge of Corporate Social Responsibility

Jean-François Caulier

Executive Vice President in charge of Digital Strategy and Innovation

Portrait Caroline Moricot

Caroline Moricot

Executive Vice-President in charge of Alumni

Portrait Rousselet-Pimont

Anne Rousselet-Pimont

Executive Vice President in charge of Libraries and Open Science