Accessibility (AY11)

Aid put in place

This site was designed to be accessible. Its objective is to comply with the criteria of the general framework for improving accessibility (RGAA).

Keyboard navigation within the site

Navigation on the site is done using the Tab key:

  •  Pressing Tab allows you to select the next link on the page.
  •  Pressing Shift + Tab selects the previous link on the page.

Once a link is selected, simply press the Enter key to open it.

When arriving on a page, pressing the Tab key displays a menu at the top of the page which allows direct access to an area of ​​the page:

 the main content

The Up Arrow/Down Arrow and Page Up/Page Down keys move up or down on the page.

On certain browsers, these options can be deactivated in the software settings; in this case you will need to activate them beforehand in order to be able to use them.

Using Image Carousels

Navigation in a carousel is done using the Left/Right Arrows.

You can stop scrolling by clicking the Pause button.

Enhanced contrast

At the top of the screen, in the navigation bar, there is an Accessibility button to increase contrast. From then on, a new style sheet with greater contrast between the text and the background will be loaded.

Enlarging/Decreasing Text Size

The text size on articles can be increased or decreased by increasing your browser's default font size. You will find this setting in your preferences.

Declaration of conformity

No complete compliance audit has yet been carried out.
The site is therefore non-compliant with the general accessibility improvement framework (RGAA), given that its rate is unknown.

A compliance audit is well planned and the state of compliance will be updated during 2024, carried out by the university's digital accessibility referent, in order to define this declaration.

According to the update of the RGAA version 4.1, our compliance status is therefore in Non-compliance: because there is no valid audit result making it possible to measure compliance with the criteria;

To date, we have asked all webmasters to comply with the RGAA criteria of single A and double A (AA) level, however the following points are sometimes not achieved:

 The PDF documents for download are being processed to be made accessible, the other documents are not yet accessible;
 The videos are not accessible;
 Indications of file type and file size are not indicated everywhere (currently being corrected);
 Some links that open in a new window do not include the indication in the title tag.

Right to compensation

Pending full compliance, you can obtain an accessible version of the contents of the pages or documents or the information contained therein by sending an email to indicating the name and URL of the affected page or document and what difficulty you are experiencing. The requested information will be sent to you as quickly as possible.
Improvement and contact

You can help us improve the accessibility of the site by reporting any accessibility issues you encounter.
So, if you have a concern for accessibility (compliance with the RGAA or assistance in reading the content on our site, for people with a disability) send us an email to
All other requests sent to this email address (registration, invoice, delivery, advertising, etc.) will be considered SPAM and will automatically be placed in the trash.
Defender of rights

If you notice an accessibility defect preventing you from accessing content or functionality of the site, you notify us and you are unable to obtain a rapid response from us, you have the right to send your grievances or a request for referral to the Defender of Rights. Several means are available to you on the contact page of the rights defender's website.